Thursday 8 November 2018

The US political system

Does the US electorate really have the skill and knowledge, and above all the time, to make a reasoned decision on all the candidates for all those posts? Or do they just plump for the pretty face, the well-known name, or the party?

And how can the judiciary be independent when they are political appointees? (What judge will take a correct but unpopular decision if he knows he's up for re-election next week?) And is it right that the elected representatives get to choose the boundaries of the electoral areas to suit themselves?

First past the post can produce some perverse results too - it is possible for a US presidential candidate to lose, even though he won 74% of the popular vote (100% in 49% of the colleges, and 49% in the others).

Even more curious, 9% of the popular vote could be enough to get a majority in the Senate (winning by a slender majority in the 26 least populous states)

The advantage of not having a written constitution is that you never have to admit it needs amending!